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We want to help you find the answers

You want to make sure you are buying the right products for you and your family – we want the same. Take a look through our Frequently Asked Questions below. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, send us your questions via the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Webber Naturals Probiotics have to be refrigerated once opened?

No. Our Probiotic 30 Billion does not require refrigeration. Current technology allows Webber Naturals to offer you potent probiotics with billions and billions of active cells that do not require refrigeration. This makes it easier than ever to take your probiotics with you wherever you go.

Are supplements really necessary?

Vitamins, as well as minerals and essential fatty acids and other nutrients, are needed for a long, healthy life. You can get vitamins from your food and you can increase amounts of specific nutrients and combinations of nutrients through supplementation. 

Today, the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables may be compromised due to soil conditions, processing, shipping, and storage.  

A diet that includes a variety of fresh, preferably organic, high–quality food, from all the main food groups, may provide most of the nutrients you need. If you don’t have time to shop for, prepare, and eat naturally healthful meals every day, you may not be getting the small but important amounts of essential vitamins and other nutrients your body needs for optimum health. 

Many people supplement for these reasons, as well as to provide support if their health is temporarily compromised, if lifestyle factors reduce their intake of healthy foods, or just as health “insurance”.

Are your products gluten-free?

The majority of our products are gluten-free. Very few dietary supplements generally are likely to contain gluten and we do not add gluten to any products. Because of sensitivity issues for many people, where possible we avoid using gluten-containing ingredients in the manufacture of our products. 

To avoid any possible cross-contamination within our facility, we employ meticulous cleaning procedures, especially with the equipment used to make our tablets, capsules, softgels, liquids, and powders. We have systems in place to ensure that a minimum number of machines and equipment are exposed to gluten – if gluten happens to be naturally occurring in a raw material. A separate or isolated area is used for gluten-containing products or ingredients. 

 If you are concerned about a particular product, call our Customer Service number with the product UPC code (bar code number on the label) to confirm if there is any gluten content.

What are vitamins?

Vitamins are defined as any of a variety of fat-soluble or water-soluble organic substances essential for normal growth and function of the body. Vitamins cannot be made by the body and must be consumed as part of your diet. They are obtained naturally from plant and animal foods. 

There are two groups of vitamins: fat soluble and water soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E and K, are usually found in meat and meat products, animal fat and vegetable oils, dairy products, and fish. They dissolve in fat before they are absorbed in the bloodstream and are stored in the liver. 

Water-soluble vitamins include the B vitamins and vitamin C. They are found in meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. They dissolve in water, are not stored in the body, and are eliminated regularly in the urine. Water-soluble vitamins are easily destroyed by heat and light, or may be washed out during food preparation or storage. 

Our bodies need a continuous supply of water-soluble vitamins. 

How do you guarantee the safety and purity of your fish oils?

Every raw material for our products is tested for purity, identification (so we know it is what it is supposed to be), heavy metals, pesticides, and other contaminants in accordance with the requirements and guidelines of United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) and Canada’s Natural Health Products Directorate. Our laboratories also test finished products for weight, disintegration time, uniformity, and verified potency. In-house testing facilities ensure that accurate test results can be obtained quickly and efficiently.

Additionally, third-party certification by International Verified Omega-3 (IVO) guarantees that the fish oils used are of the highest quality, in addition to being sustainably harvested. IVO is a marine oil testing and certification program that adheres to the world’s highest standards for purity and potency verification. To obtain the IVO seal, products must pass a comprehensive set of quality checks, including tests for as many as 400 potential contaminants.

Does natural ambient or fluorescent lighting affect the quality of fish oil packaged in clear bottles?

Our omega-3 fish oils have been rigorously tested and uphold the highest standards for product integrity when exposed to controlled and uncontrolled light conditions in clear bottles. All of our products are subject to a robust stability testing program on an ongoing basis to ensure they support their shelf-life assignment and meet the ongoing scrutiny of regulatory and industry bodies, including the Food & Drug Association (FDA) and USP (Unites States Pharmacopeia).

An internal study was performed over a five-year period to test the quality and stability of encapsulated omega-3 fish oils stored in clear bottles and exposed to controlled and uncontrolled light conditions. The results support the quality and stability of our products in their current packaging configuration. There was no difference in quality and performance test measurements between samples of encapsulated omega-3 fish oil capsules in clear bottles exposed to uncontrolled light (both natural ambient and fluorescent lighting conditions) and encapsulated omega-3 fish oil capsules stored in dark conditions over a period of five years. 

We are committed to ensuring that all of our natural health products meet the highest quality industry standards and the expectations of consumers. We continue to perform additional studies to supplement the data we have already collected regarding encapsulated fish oil stored in clear bottles. All studies to date support the selection of clear packaging and associated shelf life assignment. Our additional testing also showed that natural and fluorescent light have no influence on fish oil oxidation.

As a final note, the temporary light exposure of packaged products in typical manufacturer-to-retailer and retailer-to-consumer cycles is substantially less than what our test samples were exposed to. It’s safe to conclude that any concern regarding our products’ packaging delivery system is unwarranted.

Do you test your products on animals?

We want to reassure our customers that WN Pharmaceuticals®, maker of Webber Naturals products, does not test its products on animals. We have found that it is not necessary to perform testing on animals to provide safe, effective products.

Does Webber Naturals Omega-3 test for heavy metals? Is there any mercury in them?

Triple Strength Omega-3 is certified for high purity by the International Verified Omega-3™ (IVO™). This ensures that the product has been tested for ocean-born contaminants, including heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. 

In addition to toxic heavy metals, IVO-certified products must pass rigorous analytical tests that screen for pesticides, antibiotics, PCBs, dioxins, and many other contaminants at ultra–trace concentrations.

Still have a question?

We are here to help. Please contact us and we will make sure you get the information you need.